Sunday, April 10, 2011

Shout Out!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so recently I've been thinking, and it kind of bothers me when the critics and the viewers don't really give credit where its due.  Especially when it comes to the acting and the characters.  Yes, the directors of films are incredible people who have extreme talent most of the time, but the actors are also what brings their image to life.  Even if a film as a whole doesn't pass your level of expectations, doesn't mean that there isn't some amazing work being done within it.  In some cases, entire films that really are wonderful, don't get recognized because of timing or distraction.  Sometimes, during all the chaos of a film, looking at all its flaws, the viewers forget to appreciate what makes the film special... or, who makes the film special.  So I'd like to just give a few or more shout outs to some characters/acting/films that I felt didn't get their due.

To start, I'd like to point to a film that has large amounts of issues which prevented it from becoming a success.  Actually, the entire film isn't exactly worth watching to be completely honest, especially the ending.  Talk about a let down.  But because of just one scene, with just one actor, I feel that this deserves a shout out!  American Psycho (yr 2000). The scene I'm referring to includes the main character played by Christian Bale as he is about to kill a man in his apartment simply because he enjoys it.

Now I couldn't, for some reason, upload the clip I wanted onto the page here, but I'm going to give the link, so that you can see the scene for yourself...    

The next film I chose was an incredible film in all.  Why it wasn't recognized when it was released, I don't know...  It could have had to do with timing; it was too early for its time?  But in my opinion, it is an incredible film that Guy Pierce did not get recognized enough for being in.  He was wonderful to watch and the writing was truly original.  For those who are interested enough to check it out, it is a film about a man with short term memory loss trying to catch his wife's murderer.  However, with his condition, memory becomes unreliable and keeping track of the facts proves to be difficult to say the least.  Check it out! I promise, you won't regret watching it!  Here's a clip from Memento... (about memory)

A third shout out I want to give is to the film Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon and its incredible male lead played by Nathan Baesel.  This film plays as a mockumentary of horror films and their many predictable plots and techniques throughout history.  It is a comedy about horror which is hilarious if you sit down and watch it.  The film's plot is based around a documentary film maker who agrees to follow around a murderer as he picks his victims and prepares for a night of terror.  Little does she know what she's actually in for....  

And now just a few honorable mentions....
-Matthew Goode as Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias in Watchmen (excellent transformation into a character)
-James Franco as Saul Silver in Pineapple Express (he's hilarious and his voice is really well done)
-Leonardo DiCaprio as Cobb in Inception (yes the movie was recognized, but his acting wasn't truly appreciated)
-Garret Hedlund as Bo in Country Strong (for his country singing, I was impressed!)

I'm sure there are many more and If I remember or notice them in the future, I'll be sure to point them out.  
If you have any of your own shout outs you want to share, feel free to comment!  

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