Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Stop it!!!!  Seriously, please stop. 

With every desperate attempt at mooching off this franchise, they in fact destroy what was good and lovable about, not only the original Pirates of the Caribbean, but the character of Captain Jack Sparrow.  I warn you, this review is short and sweet.  Come to think of it, some of you might love that for a change.  

The fourth installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, On Stranger Tides, follows Captain Jack Sparrow (played by Johnny Depp) as he is searching for the fountain of youth.  Once again he throws himself into this adventure, pissing off women (particularly Penelope Cruz), stumbling around, and trying to beat everyone else to the punch.     

The acting is good.  There is nothing wrong with that. Let me make that clear now.  
The makeup from the makeup artists - always good.   
The story, the plot, the scene to scene transition, the soundtrack - horrible.  Why so blunt?  Well, for one, when in doubt, they played the theme song over and over.  In fact, I'm not confident in saying that I heard any other type of background music.  The story seemed like it was picked out of a hat.  It was common, which would have been fine if they tried to revamp it, but they didn't.  The humour was lacking.  The ending was open-ended of course.  The transition of scenes didn't flow properly and weren't nearly interesting or creative.  
Frankly, I wanted to sleep five minutes into the film and with me that's extremely rare.  You don't even want to bother with understanding the plot because you just don't care.  It's exhausting to follow and at times just plain boring.  

So, in conclusion, don't see this film.  If you actually enjoyed the first film, don't ruin its legacy for yourself by seeing this one.  I give this film 4/10.  Okay, so maybe it wasn't that short or sweet.        

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