Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Man on a Ledge

No, they did not put much thought into the title of this film...  

Man on a Ledge follows the life of an escaped convict, as he tries to prove himself innocent for his supposed crime - being accused of stealing a $40 million dollar diamond.  This film stars Sam Worthington, Elizabeth Banks, Jamie Bell, Genesis Rodriguez and Ed Harris.

Whenever I tell someone I saw the film Man on a Ledge, they always ask me, "So, did he jump off the ledge?"  Well, I'm here to tell you... it's not exactly worth the watch to find out.  It's a good thing this film has more plot dynamic than you might have originally anticipated.  Not bad for a movie with a title like Man on a Ledge

Anyways, everything about this film was decent - not amazing, not impressive, but consistently entertaining.  Elizabeth Banks' acting bothered me, however.  She was not convincing as a negotiator, with something to prove to her male superiors.  She came off just as lazy as the people who gave the film its title.  She portrayed the character with little enthusiasm or attitude, and came off unimaginative and dull.  There was no feeling of determination when she spoke her lines, which would have been one of the most important things to convey about her character.  To sum her up: a disappointment.

As for all the other actors, their characters were not exactly deep, but they kept me interested in what was going on... which says something.  They did their jobs, more or less.

I do have to point out Ed Harris, who in my opinion was the star of the film.  He did a great job with his small, but important role.  I finally felt reminded of what real acting is.  It wasn't just make-believe for Ed Harris, but a matter of completely giving himself over to the character.  A complete abandonment of self.  I give him a thumbs up for making some portion of this film have purpose.

Now, this is not a film I would see again.  Once was enough for me, and I don't think it will leave a lasting impression.  So, here is my advice to those of you not sure what to see this weekend.  Man on a Ledge is a light thriller that will be fleeting with its effect on you, if it has any effect on you.  I give this film 6.7/10. It's just okay. It's no Phone Booth.          

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