Tuesday, March 6, 2012


This film started out strong and then slowly descended into unbelievable territory.

Chronicle follows the life of a neglected and abused teenager named Andrew, who lives as a social outcast at school. He begins recording his life with a video camera, isolating himself even more from the rest of the world.  Things change when he, his cousin Matt, and his cousin's friend Steven, come in contact with unknown matter.  They each develop telekinetic powers that allow them to do things they never could have imagined. This film stars Dane DeHaan, Michael B. Jordan, Michael Kelly, and Alex Russel.

My favourite aspect of this film is that the audience is always viewing it through the perspective of the camera the character is holding.  The film plays with this perspective, hopping it around as characters take the camera from one another.  I thought this was very unique and interesting, however, if your sensitive to movement, it can make you a little nauseous.  It reminded me of The Blair Witch Project.

The acting in this film was really well done and realistic. I really have no negative comments about the acting.

I do, however, have negative comments about the plot.  Near the end of the film - the climax - was when my respect for the plot flew out the window.  Events became too hectic, too fast, too irrational and too extreme.  It reminded me I was only watching a movie, taking me out of that world and putting me firmly back into the theatre seat.  This ruined the whole film for me.

Because this film held strong 3/4 of the way through, I give it 7.6/10 for attempting something different, something original, among the interchangeable films we've been watching so far this year.

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