Wednesday, January 4, 2012


You can't say it isn't unique...

Hugo is about an orphaned boy who keeps the clocks running in a Paris train station, meanwhile, spending his days searching for clockwork pieces that will help him finish the automaton his father left him.

One thing this film isn't lacking is a sharp beautiful picture that grabs your attention and doesn't let it go until the end.  The plot has so much potential, but I don't feel like they took advantage of that.  There were plenty of scenes that slowed to the point where you found yourself bored.  The story lacks excitement and even though the visuals are inventive and strong, the story only has a few peaks that keep you hoping for better.

The actors did a good job.  I'd like to point out Sasha Baron Cohen's character as extremely entertaining and refreshing from his usual Borat type characters. Asa Butterfield and Chloe Grace Moretz were great together.  Ben Kinglsey also did a good job. None of the acting blew me away though.   

For me it was a slight let down in its entirety.  I think most children would not enjoy it as much as a kid-friendly film should be enjoyed.  The hype surrounding the movie seems to be about the visual strength of the film more than the story or the acting.  It's not balanced.

Because of this, I give this film 7.6/10 for striving to be different and original, but lacking in excitement and adventure.

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