Wednesday, January 4, 2012


You can't say it isn't unique...

Hugo is about an orphaned boy who keeps the clocks running in a Paris train station, meanwhile, spending his days searching for clockwork pieces that will help him finish the automaton his father left him.

One thing this film isn't lacking is a sharp beautiful picture that grabs your attention and doesn't let it go until the end.  The plot has so much potential, but I don't feel like they took advantage of that.  There were plenty of scenes that slowed to the point where you found yourself bored.  The story lacks excitement and even though the visuals are inventive and strong, the story only has a few peaks that keep you hoping for better.

The actors did a good job.  I'd like to point out Sasha Baron Cohen's character as extremely entertaining and refreshing from his usual Borat type characters. Asa Butterfield and Chloe Grace Moretz were great together.  Ben Kinglsey also did a good job. None of the acting blew me away though.   

For me it was a slight let down in its entirety.  I think most children would not enjoy it as much as a kid-friendly film should be enjoyed.  The hype surrounding the movie seems to be about the visual strength of the film more than the story or the acting.  It's not balanced.

Because of this, I give this film 7.6/10 for striving to be different and original, but lacking in excitement and adventure.

New Years Eve


I think we all saw this coming.  No surprises here.

New Years Eve follows many lives as they approach a new year and new opportunities, as well as adventures to come. This film includes many stars such as Robert De Niro, Sarah Jessica Parker, Lea Michel, Zack Efron, Michelle Pfeiffer, Halle Berry, and this list goes on.

Basically, the film was mediocre or even less than that.  The acting wasn't horrible on all accounts, but I have discovered I am not a Zack Efron fan.  They all seemed to play very silly characters without much heart or much life.  I feel like a lot of unknown actors could have come up with the same result that would have skipped the theaters and went straight to the W Network.  So why did I pay for such a film when I probably could have seen a similar one on television, making me to switch the channel as soon as I discovered what it was? I should have known.

So, ultimately do not see this film, because frankly it's not worth your eleven bucks. I give this film 5.4/10.  Need a warm and fuzzy holiday film as a replacement?  I recommend The Holiday, Love Actually, When Harry Met Sally.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Huh?  I had some trouble understanding what was going on and apparently I'm not the only one...

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy takes place during the time of the Cold War, where it becomes necessary to bring an espionage veteran (Gary Oldman) out of retirement in order to find out who is the spy within the MI6 agency.  Some known actors in this film include Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Colin Firth, and John Hurt.

Let me be clear: all the acting was extraordinary.  There is no question about that.  Gary Oldman was incredible with his character George Smiley.  Colin Firth and Tom Hardy were impeccable as always.  However, this film reminds you just how far acting can go when the plot is confusing and the film's resolve is misunderstood and dissatisfying.

More specifically, I'd like to point out the tone created by the damp and dark London streets.  They truly set the mood for the film perfectly.  The cinematography was carefully constructed so that it was not overpowering or underwhelming.

I guess my issue with this film is, perhaps, that you had to have read the book in order to understand it.  Leaving the theater, I overheard many people claiming to be completely lost.  So, whether or not this is a film you have to really pay attention in, it is not friendly to all audiences and that, in itself, is the flaw that clouds the film.

However, because I am stubborn and want to make sure I'm not missing something, I am going to give it another shot, and see if maybe my perspective can change.  If I pay more attention maybe the film will reveal things to me it hadn't before.

So for now, I give this film 7.8/10 purely for the superior acting and the visuals.  This rating may change over time, so take it with a grain of salt.  If you see this film, feel free to comment because if you could shed light on certain events within it, I would be very grateful.

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

You'd be crazy not to love the Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law duo...

The second installment of the Sherlock Holmes franchise promises continuity as well as a fresh storyline.  The film follows the lives of England's most famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. John Watson, as they try to hunt down and stop Professor Moriarty from succeeding in provoking a world war.

To start, a lot of the jokes from the first film were shamelessly repeated in the second one.  The plot itself had too many hidden facets and sharp corners for it to feel tight and secure.  There was too much going on, that it felt like plot twists were thrown in for convenience.  For both of these reasons I am lead  to believe that the screenplay was written too quickly and somewhat carelessly, in order to receive instant gratification rather than long lasting appreciation and respect.

 Now, lacking a strong solid plot, I'm going to move on to the directing and producing that took place.  This is where the talent shines through.  I give a thumbs up to Guy Ritchie for his hard work that made the film much better than what it would have been.  I'd like to point out the scene where they are running in the woods and bullets are being shot at them.  This scene was visually very impressive, with slow motion technique put in the right places and the well done camera work revealing a controlled and artistic direction.  This was one of many scenes that I tip my hat to Guy Ritchie for.  Without him, this film would have bombed.

I also will point out the actors - Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Rachael McAdams, and Noomi Rapace.  They did their jobs well without leaving me with any disappointment.  Noomi Rapace especially brought a refreshing character to the story, keeping female presence empowered amongst two strong male leads.

For all of this, I wouldn't say the film is worth a second glance.  It hasn't completely turned me off from seeing a third installment, but if they don't take more care with the writing, this franchise can only go downhill from here.  I give this film 6.5/10 for its acting and directing, without which the film would have been rated much lower.