Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Crazy Stupid Love

The title is very fitting...

Crazy Stupid Love surrounds a family that deals with the complications of love throughout their daily lives.  Bottom line, you can only take love as it comes, because you can't control it, you can't tame it and you certainly can't understand it.  Just accept it anywhere you can find it, because that is what makes life worth while.

At least, that's what I took from this film.

To break the film down a little more, let's move on to the actors and their characters - because really, that's what made the film what it is.  Let me just say that Ryan Gosling is wonderful.  I have never seen him play a part that he didn't do well.  His character may have come off unrealistic at first, but upon second glance, turns out to be a character with some heart.  Steve Carrel is also wonderful because he always brings the awkward and uncomfortable out of everyday life, and finds a way to depict it flawlessly on screen.  That's what I like about Steve Carrel.  He doesn't pick characters that go through exaggerated events and coincidences, with extreme personalities that pop out at you.  He always picks a dorky character with real qualities and relatable embarrassments that make us reflect on our own lives, only to realize that perhaps they aren't as dull as we thought.  We just don't seem to appreciate our experiences when we're having them.  Sometimes you need an actor like Steve Carrel to remind us that life can be light and comedic if we approach it differently, even when it seems to be full of let downs and disappointment.

Emma Stone played her character as well as always.  She does seem to play a similar personality in most of her films, however, she always puts 100% of herself in her characters, making them so authentic, you can't help but enjoy her.

As for Julianne Moore, she is always amazing - I think that's a given.  And for the boy and the 17 year old girl in the film, you guys get a thumbs up!!!  A for effort.

Ultimately, I give this film 7.8/10 for using some of my favourite actors to, for once, give us a realistic approach to love.   

By the way, I love this picture I chose (above).  Best part of the film.  Look at Ryan Gosling's face and imagine him saying: "What are you grabbing?"  lmao, best line.  You'll see.  Go see it!!!!

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