Sunday, December 5, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 1

Being a Harry Potter fan in general, I'm sure you can predict my obviously biased point of view.  But looking at the film as a whole- it depends on two perspectives.  One - for those who have read the books and religiously stick by them, and two - for those who have never read the books and just enjoy the movies.  I'm a fan of the books myself, but for those who have never read them, I can see how this film might not have been your favourite out of the seven installments.  I've been told the film moves slowly, not really getting into any action for a good chunk of the beginning.  But I think they needed that chunk to establish the planning and emotional dynamic of the situation.  

The movies have always been mysterious, magical and action packed.  There have been a lot of battles with wands, secrecy, and intrigue.  For the most part, the movies try to maintain a light-hearted feel, but that obviously can't last for long.  The intensity of the series has been building up for this epic finale.  It's time for some real depth.  It's time for the actors to show us readers and viewers what the characters are all about and what we've invested our time and money for.   

So, let's get a move on. 

My overall opinion of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 1 : I love this movie.  I thought they included the most important scenes with the most important details.  The humour came in at all the right times, not overwhelming the hardships of the film, but giving it that special touch.  The acting - best I've seen by them so far.  You could feel the dedication this time; they took no short cuts with the emotion and most importantly the frustration.  They complimented each other perfectly.  Special shout out goes to Rupert Grint.  He's always been my favourite actor out of the three, but this time I was truly blown away.  He acted out the scenes (yelling at Harry in the tent) just like I always imagined with just the right amount of anger and aggressiveness.  Emma Watson also gets a thumbs up.  She uses her eyes to display her feelings, rather than just her body language, and to communicate that with such intensity deserves recognition.  The more experienced actors like Helena Bonham Carter (Bellatrix Lestrange), Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort) and Alan Rickman (Snape) are, as always, impeccable in their performances.  I was really impressed by the artistic flare the producers and director brought to this film, especially during the scene in Lovegood's home where they are reading the story of the deathly hollows as we get to see it unfold.  This film satisfied whatever expectations I might of had and had me leaving giddy with excitement and anticipation for the second half.  It deserves to be number one at the box office!  My only worry now is whether or not the second half will exceed the first half, since my expectations have clearly shot through the roof.  Only time will tell.

I give this film 8.7/10.         

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