Saturday, December 18, 2010

Black Swan

Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is how horror is done!

So here's a little plot summary for all of you who haven't heard of this film.  It's about a ballet dancer (Natalie Portman) who gains the role of a lifetime playing the Swan Queen. This role requires her to be both the white swan and the black swan.  The innocent and the seductress.  However, she has some trouble being convincing as the black swan.  She gives in to her temptations and her darkness within, with the help of a fellow dancer (Mila Kunis).              

To attempt to review this movie is like trying to explain a nightmare.
Bits and pieces of it stand out.  It makes you sweat, it makes your heart race.  It leaves you restless and unsure.  Everything about it is intensified.  You feel disturbed and perhaps even violated. You find yourself questioning reality. Without consciously trying, you invest yourself in this masterpiece of pure psychological horror.

No more villains in masks and virgin teenager victims. No more predictable plot lines and ear wrenching screams.  We ask for creativity, we ask for originality, and Black Swan delivers us exactly that. 

To say I loved this film feels like an understatement.  Mila Kunis was phenomenal.  She really embodied her role and took it to a whole other level.  Natale Portman was incredible as well.  Her version of purity and innocence (which is meant to be exaggerated) really gives the audience a contrast to Mila's version of corruption and sin.  It gives us the traditional good verses evil, but in such a nontraditional way, portraying it within one's own mind.

This film moves from beginning to end, not giving the audience any breathing room.  This way you never get the chance to remind yourself it's just a movie.  It sucks you in to the world -or the nightmare-, and keeps you locked there until it's over.

I give this film 9/10 for keeping me aware, afraid, nervous and entertained the entire time.  Check out this movie if you want to experience what I experienced.      

"What happened to my sweet girl?"

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